Friday, February 13, 2015

The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation

Romans 1:3–4
Luke 1:31–32; 3:23–31

Jesus Christ is the son of David through His lineage. 14 generations back was King David, so Christ is royalty in the mortal sense that way. He is heir to God by being the most perfect person to ever walk the earth. He followed God's plan perfectly and was God's advocate for His gospel. He sacrificed Himself to make the Atonement possible for all of us to return to God's presence again. Because He is both God and David's heirs, He can rightfully reign here on earth and in the heavens. He is the most perfect judge, so he is able to reign here on earth and govern the people. 

John 10:17–18

It was essential for Jesus to be both mortal and immortal because he needed to die for us on the cross in order to atone for our sins, but he also needed to be immortal afterwards so that we could all see the resurrection of the body and spirit reuniting, which is a crucial aspect of the gospel. 

Romans 1:15–20

Paul knew the gospel to be true and was not ashamed of it. He was willing and eager to teach everyone about the gospel because he knew of its saving grace. Some ways that I can show that I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ is by proudly proclaiming the gospel in every way that I can. I can post blog posts like this, or post my testimony on Facebook, or even invite those around me to come to church or activities. I can invite friends over for Family Home Evening, and most importantly, I can live my life the way God would want me to. That will show Him that I am proud of the gospel and am not ashamed to live it.

Romans 1:21–32

Sins Paul mentions:

-stopped glorifying God
-darkened heart
-claimed wisdom
-worshipped idols "served the creature more than the Creator"
-homosexual behavior
-didn't remember God
-haters of God
-evil inventions
-disobedient to parents
-covenant breakers
-no affection

Most of those sins Paul mentioned are sins that are still happening today! It's incredible how similar his words are to the world we live in now. Reasons why those people committed those sins were because of their own lustful feelings and the pleasure they got from doing those sins. I think that those reasons are very similar to why people sin today. They claim, "I deserve to be happy," or "I can repent later," or even the freedom of equality. It's important to stand up for what we believe to be righteous and holy. In a world such as our own, everyone who believes in God needs to stand up for His morals and teachings.

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