Monday, March 23, 2015

Walk in Truth

Read 3 John 1:1–11. Write a brief comparison between the actions of Gaius and Diotrephes. Read the institute student manual Points to Ponder section, “Disobedience to Priesthood Authority” (p. 441). List some of the results that come to those who criticize the leaders of the Church. Read Alma 39:11. What influence could Gaius’s and Diotrephes’s examples have on others?

The actions of Gaius were faithful and kind, always teaching of the goodness of God. He was charitable and helped the people he taught. Diotrephes, on the other hand, taught malicious words against God's servants and he cast people out of the church. Gaius did that which was good, inviting the words of the prophets to lead his life, Diotrephes did that which was evil, not obeying the words of the prophets and defying God. 

Some of the results that come to those who criticize the leaders of the Church will become spiritually dead and bring more hurt to themselves than those whom they are trying to do so. 

The influence that Gaius could have on others is to continue to listen to the words of the prophets and to be kind and charitable as he is. But those who look on Diotrephes' actions will most likely stray away from the Church and do that which is evil and wrong. Those we look to can have a great influence on us, so we need to always look to good sources of influence. 

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