Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Culture Differences

Hey all! So last week we learned about the struggles a marriage can have because of culture differences. Not just differences in ethnicity backgrounds, but also financial backgrounds. If someone comes from a wealthy background, it's usually very hard for them to integrate into a relationship when the partner comes from a less-wealthy family. Arguments on what to spend the money on arises, how to obtain the money, and what is the necessities in life.

For example, if a woman came from a wealthier background and married a middle income man, her image of an ideal living situation would probably be different than the man's. His job would most likely provide for just the bare necessities to survive on, maybe a few things for fun here and there, but ultimately, she would be in a situation that was way different than how she grew up.

I found this to be extremely interesting and fascinating. I want to know if any of you have been or have seen situations like this. How did it make you feel? What difficulties arose? How did you handle those differences? Did you change your perception on what was important? How did this make your family member/spouse feel?

There are so many different situations that arise when it comes to financial stability and I'd love to hear everyone's views on this! I'd love to hear opposing views to this as well!

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