Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What Women Know

I am writing in regards to your article that I came across a few hours ago. Right off the bat the introduction to your article states, “Several ideas within the body of President Beck’s talk conflict with our inspiration and experience. We are authors of our own lives and this is the story we know to be true.” Right away I know that you don’t care what God thinks or that God gave us our lives here on earth; you only care about yourselves, your wants, and your needs. I'm instantly turned off by your lack of credibility. 

The first point you make is a philosophy of men mingled with scripture. It says that nurturing is an attribute that communicates patience, peacefulness, and care but it says that men are also called to nurture. That is not true; God has never said men are called to nurture, just women. (In case you don't believe me, look at the "Proclamation to the World" again.) 

The next two points talk about yourselves again; what you want and what you need. You twist Sister Beck’s words to make it seem like she doesn’t care about the condition of women who are in poverty, and you make it seem like she only cares about the outward appearances of cleanliness, when she obviously talked about being pure in heart—which is different.

The next point talks about housework. Yes, children learn by example and instruction, but since the mothers stay home with their children, they are the ones who will be teaching them the majority of it while the husband goes and works hard outside the home. Both parents are working hard, they are just working hard in different ways. 

I think it’s great that you point out that you love and care for all children, no matter where they come from or what they’re like; but God has commanded us to become parents and to not put it off if we are able—so your saying of we “choose how, when, and whether we become parents” is selfish. God has commanded us to multiply and replenish the earth, so if you are claiming to be Latter-Day Saints, you need to be claiming every aspect of the gospel, not just picking and choosing out of your favorites. 

Next, “We reject teachings that encourage women to shoulder ultimate responsibility for every aspect of child-rearing and family life” pretty much states that you do not respect the prophets’ teachings and therefore God’s word on this matter. You blatantly stated that you reject those teachings! How can you claim to be affiliated with the Church when you reject obvious teachings from it?

Yes, the choice to have children doesn’t rule out other influences and power you can have, but didn’t you read the talk?? The role of motherhood is the GREATEST influence and power you will ever have! You should never take that for granted.

And finally, the Book of Mormon story shows us that those mothers taught their sons correct principles and the gospel, where God would show them mercy for being obedient and righteous. Never does God say that he will spare the wicked; only that he will protect the righteous. These mothers taught their sons that, and since the boys wanted to protect their people, they had faith that God would protect them, so they went to protect their freedoms too. What would you say to your son if he chose to join the army to protect our country? “No son, I don’t want you to go and protect our freedoms. Instead, stay home and let’s try to work this out peacefully, even though war is already happening. I don't want you to go and kill others out of defense, but I'm fine with other mom's boys going to protect us instead.” When war is raging, people have to step up to fight. Those mothers were proud of their sons for being so brave and true to their country, and we should do the same with ours. 

All in all, if you are going to say you are affiliated with the Church, then step up and acknowledge what God has commanded us to do. Because fighting back against what has already been spoken of as truth from Him, is fighting against the Church. Read section 76 of the Doctrine & Covenants (the same book you quoted from in your article) if you don't understand the severity of fighting against God and His Church. 

No matter how innocent your philosophies sound, they are still against God's word. And God's word doesn't change. 

I hope that you sincerely reconsider and reevaluate your testimony of what our prophets have taught us. It doesn't take long for society and man to get into our heads and distort everything we know about what is true. But, it also doesn't take long to say a prayer and truly ask God what our roles in this life are supposed to be! It's quick on both sides, but it does take more effort on our part to truly side with God. (That's how you know it's the truth. This life was never supposed to be easy.)

Thank you,

A Mother Who Knows

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

David Anointed King

2 Samuel 1-10

King David’s Accomplishments
Stood up for God's anointed
Became God's anointed
Personally refused to take action against Saul's son in battle
David won the battle against Saul's son for the kingdom
Won the hearts of the people
Mourned the loss of great men
Did not condone treachery
United tribes of Israel
Counseled and listened to God
Worshipped God publicly
Obeyed God's orders in not building a temple
Executed justice
Restores the land of Saul/shows kindness

The Lord did not want David to build a temple because of how much blood David had spilt in all the wars he was a part of. He had seen to much war and bloodshed to be able to build a temple for God. I think that this has to do with the purity in our hearts in order to be worthy enough to build sacred things of God. Our minds and hearts and thoughts have to be pure, and it's hard to do so with images of war going throughout it. Same thing with pornography. If we are to be clean and pure before God, those images cannot be in our minds, which is hard to get out if pornography has already been a vice for people. It is possible to repent, but images are hard to get rid of. 

If I were in a situation similar to David’s, I would feel greatly blessed from God. I would feel like God loved me more than anything in the world and that His mercy was something that I didn't deserve.

2 Samuel 7:16 is a Messianic prophecy because Jesus was born through the lineage of David. That alone gives reason as to why David's kingdom would be established forever, because Jesus is always going to be King over all the earth, and He came from David's line, He was called David and the throne He sits on is still called David's. 

David’s response to the Lord’s message to him was pretty much thanking God for the blessing that He gave him in blessing His kingdom and telling God that He wouldn't be let down. He would please God in his actions in keeping the blessing he was given. 

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

“Every Man Did That Which Was Right in His Own Eyes”

Judges 17-21 chapter summaries; Institute Student Manual Judges 17:21

Some events that happened in these chapters are Micah builds a house of gods and consecrates his own priests, the Danites sought out an inheritance for themselves, idolatry, rape, abuse, and death. 

This verse is such an accurate description of this terrible time of Israel’s history because everyone decided to do what they thought was right based on their own beliefs. It's very much like our day today where many people "do good" from what they think is right, but when compared to God's laws and commandments, they really aren't doing good. This verse saying "there was no king is Israel" made me relate that to there is no Christ here on earth. Christ is our King and our ruler, yet, in our world today, He isn't brought up, He isn't spoken of and He is definitely disregarded. People choose to do what they want rather than obey the King who is Christ. 

The reasons these verses give for why doing things the Lord’s way is so much better than our own are because: Jesus is the light and truth and the only way we can return to God again; we are foolish to think we can make it through this world on our own instead of listening to God because we will perish otherwise; and God's ways and thoughts are always going to be higher than ours, we just have to accept that fact.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve"

Joshua 10:12-14; Institute Student Manual commentary Joshua 10:12-14,
"Did the sun really stand still in the heavens?"
To someone who says that they won't believe the Bible when it says that the sun stood still in the heavens because it contradicts science, this is what I have to say: God controls all aspects of our universe, so surely He can cause the earth to stop moving--which makes the sun stand still. He brought upon plagues and turned water to blood during Moses' time, so it really isn't all that surprising that He could tell the earth to stop rotating, and it would. 
Joshua 7-22
 Israel's Successes
  • Ambushes Ai, slays inhabitants
  • Gibeonites are made slaves to Israel
  • Defeats Amorites and allies
  • Conquer whole land, destroying cities and nations
  • Conquered two kings east of Jordan, and 31 west
  • Inheritances of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh are confirmed
  • Caleb inherits Hebron
  • Judah is given an inheritance in Canaan
  • Ephraim and Manasseh receive inheritances
  • Benjamin receives inheritance
  • Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali and Dan receive inheritances
  • Lord fulfills all promises, gives Israel rest
  • Some tribes dismissed with blessing

Israel's Failures
  • Defeated by people of Ai

Joshua 23-24; Institute Student Manual commentary for Joshua 24:1-28

The main theme that Joshua spoke to his people about in these chapters was to continue to love God and keep the commandments and be courageous in standing up for what was right. Joshua chose to deliver his final address on this particular topic because God has blessed him and his people from destruction and death. He gave Israel so many blessings and always fulfilled the promises that He made to them because of their obedience. Joshua wanted his people to continue to serve God and show Him how grateful they were for the many blessings they received and to be worthy to continue receiving them; "but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

The people responded to Joshua by saying, "God forbid that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods, for the Lord our God, he it is that brought us up and our fathers out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage, and which did those greats signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed." They recognized that the blessings they were receiving came from God and they recognized His power in all things. That's what we need to do in our lives: recognize all that God does for us. Because He does everything.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Israel Commanded to Destroy the Wicked

The nations that are listed in these verses are: Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites. The Lord commanded Israel to destroy those nations that He spoke about; destroy their alters, pillars, burn their groves, hew down graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of the gods out of those places. He also commanded Israel to not make any covenants with them or show them mercy or marry anyone within those nations.
 The reason why the Lord commanded the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites was because they were so contaminating with their wickedness that if they had been spared and were shown mercy, it would have led to the spiritual downfall of Israel. However, later history shows that this is what happened to Israel eventually because they failed to follow these instructions from God. All Canaanites were devoted to death already from God since their religious practices became full of idolatry, prostitution, and homosexuality; and the way they were going to be put to death was from Israel as their executioner. As the Student Manual says, “The failure of Israel to execute it fully became finally their own judgment.”
Many of the sins found among the people living in Canaan are prevalent in today’s society. I think that in order to protect ourselves from the sins that the Canaanites were involved in is being aware of what the prophets teach us in our day. The Lord is constantly telling us what we should be doing and what we should avoid through our prophet and if we listen to him and heed his words, then we will be protected from spiritual death. Many people today claim that homosexual behavior is okay and that we should love our fellow brethren and support them. They forget the commandment to love God first over anybody else, which means to obey the commandments He has put in place, which is standing up for what He has told us to do and not do and not condoning or supporting behavior that He has explicitly told us not to involve ourselves in. We can love our fellow brethren without supporting their behaviors and sins. We are all trying to be better disciples of Christ in overcoming temptations and sins; we shouldn’t support others in committing sins either. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Brazen Serpent

Numbers 21:4-9; Institute Student Manual Points to Ponder section (pg. 212). 
•        What did the children of Israel do that resulted in the curse of the “fiery serpents”?
The children of Israel spoke against God and Moses, complaining that there wasn't any bread or water and that they would die in the wilderness because of it.
•        In what ways are people today sometimes like unto the children of Israel anciently? (See also 1 Nephi 17:45.)
Just like in 1 Nephi, we can be "past feeling" in hearing the voice of God, or recognizing the many blessings that come from him. I know many people from high school who just state how awful their life is going and that if there was a God then their life wouldn't be the way it was. They don't recognize that all the good that happens to them is from God nor do they even recognize that they have good in their life. Waking up to a new day is a blessing and gift from God! But, sadly, many people don't see life as a blessing.
•        According to Alma 33:18-22, what did the brazen serpent symbolize?
The serpent symbolized healing and the belief that God could heal them from their infirmities.
•        How does one “look to” Jesus Christ for healing?
One looks to Christ through obeying His teachings and trying to follow in His ways, that is where we can receive healing. Asking God our Father for comfort and relief through the Atonement that Christ made for us can give us the comfort and healing we need. 
•        Aside from physical healings, how can “looking to” the Savior heal a person in other ways?
Looking to the Savior can heal a person in other ways through emotional well-being. Christ can give us comfort and help heal our emotional wounds because of the Atonement that He made for each of us. He knows the pains that we've felt, not just the physical hurt, but also the pain we feel in our hearts. 
•        Where else do people sometimes turn for healing other than the Savior?
Sometimes people turn to worldly things for "healing," even though it's more of a distraction than anything else. These can be in the forms of television, movies, shopping, videogames, eating, reading books (other than the scriptures), etc. These only give temporary satisfaction and not true healing. They can be great distractors, but once they are gone, the pain comes back and you are not truly healed. Only through Christ can we be saved from the pain we feel and be truly healed again.
•        What are simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that can heal us?
Some of the simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ that can heal us are praying. It's such a simple thing, but praying for comfort and relief from your pain is a very important step to make it happen. Faith in Christ is another simple thing that can heal us, because if we have the faith that Christ's Atonement can work through us, then it will. 
•        How have you experienced the healing power of the Atonement in your life?
I've experienced the healing power of the Atonement in many ways. I've received comfort and relief from pain that I wouldn't have been able to get rid of on my own or through any other means. I've received forgiveness from my sins through the Atonement, which heals me from the imperfect state that I would be in, unable to have the presence of God or the Spirit in my life. The Atonement is real and powerful, and freely available to anyone and everyone who wants to come unto God and change for the better.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Clean vs. Unclean

Leviticus 11:1-30 
Animals Israel Could Eat
Fish with scales and fins, cow (other animals that have cloven feet and chew cud), locust family (locust, beetle, grasshopper)
Animals Israel Could Not Eat
Camel, coney, pig, hare, fish without scales and fins (sharks, dolphins), all bugs other than locust, weasel, mouse, tortoise, ferret, chameleon, lizard, snail, mole, eagle, ossifrage, ospray, vulture, kite, raven, owl, night hawk, cuckow, little owl, cormorant, great owl, swan, pelican, gier eagle, stork, heron, lapwing, bat, all fowls that creep on all four legs. 
The purposes of the Lord's ancient dietary laws was to "look beyond the outward commandments and rituals for what they were meant to teach about spiritual realities...There were practical reasons for these laws related to health and sanitation. The flesh of swine is highly susceptible to trichinosis, a malady easily transmitted to man. Shellfish can develop a deadly poison if they are not killed and handled properly, and so on. But the Hebrew word for clean used in the dietary law means more than just physically clean. It carries the connotation of being “clean from all pollution or defilement … and implying that purity which religion requires, and is necessary for communion with God." 
The Institute Manual goes on to say, "God was using the diet as a teaching tool. People may forget or neglect prayer, play, work, or worship, but they seldom forget a meal. By voluntarily abstaining from certain foods or by cooking them in a special way, one made a daily, personal commitment to act in one’s faith. At every meal a formal choice was made, generating quiet self-discipline. Strength comes from living such a law, vision from understanding it." 
Doctrine and Covenants 89:5-17. These are some of the things the Lord gave man for use and what He has restricted:
Wine, strong drinks, tobacco, hot drinks, corn for the ox, oats for the horse, rye for the fowls and swine, barley for all animals and mild drinks. 
Use of Man
Strong drink to wash bodies, Tobacco used as herb for bruises and sick cattle, herbs, fruit, beasts and fowls of the air to be used sparingly in times of winter, cold or famine, grain for man and beasts in time of famine and excess hunger, and wheat.
The Lord has declared some things “clean” and others “unclean” because he wants us to become "holy" as He is holy. In order to do that, we must sanctify ourselves through our obedience of His commandments. The Word of Wisdom is part of the sanctification process because it helps us to become holy. We will receive health and wisdom, and we will be saved from the destroying angel. Our bodies are our temples, so in following the Word of Wisdom, we are taking care of those temples and sanctifying them. One way I can be more clean in my life is to eat healthier and more balanced diet. I need to be taking care of my body better than I have been in eating more wholesome foods.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Prophets Talk to God Face to Face

Exodus 33:20; John 1:18JST John 1:19; JST Exodus 33:20; John 6:46; D&C 67:11-12; Institute Student Manual: Exodus 33:19-23, “Is It Possible for Anyone to See the Face of God and Live?” 

In these verses there can be some confusion as to whether man can see God's face or not. Exodus 33:20 says that no man can look upon God and live, whereas D&C states that no man has seen God except when "quickened by the Spirit of God." Joseph Smith also translated a lot of the Bible verses that lead to the assumption that man cannot see God, because we know that Moses did in fact see God face to face (Exodus 33:11). The Bible cannot have God contradict Himself, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The translation for Exodus 33:20 was corrected by Joseph Smith to read that no sinful man can enter into the presence of God without looking on His face and dying. We know that Joseph Smith saw God's face and was commanded to organize The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He looked upon God's face and lived! So surely Moses saw the face of God in person and still lived, proving that he was worthy of beholding His face at that time. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Preparing to Meet the Lord

Exodus 19:3-6, 10-11

The Lord wanted the children of Israel to become a "holy nation." In order to achieve that goal, the Lord commanded them to obey His words and keep His covenants. The blessing that was promised to them if they could accomplish those commandments was that the "Lord [would] come down in the sight of all the people."

This applies to us because if we are to be worthy to be in the presence of God, we need to be obeying His commandments and keeping the covenants we've made with Him. We too can become a "holy nation" by our actions. We need to remember the blessings that God gives us and to be grateful for His mercy and grace in order to become that holy nation and to see God again.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Marriage in the Covenant

Genesis 24:1-4
Abraham had the concern that Isaac would marry a Canaanite woman, someone who is born out of the covenant, or not a member of the church. He wanted to make sure that Isaac took to wife a righteous woman who would obey and honor the covenants she made with God so that their family could be blessed.

Deuteronomy 7:1-4; 1 Corinthians 11:11; 2 Corinthians 6:14; Institute Student Manual
The consequences of marrying outside the covenant are that you won't have your children be raised in righteousness, you won't have the blessing of being sealed in the temple with your spouse and children, which means you won't have the highest degree of the priesthood blessing enabling you to live in the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom. It's also harder to obey God's commandments when you have an unbelieving spouse. These are still concerns today because there are people who don't marry members of the church, or those who don't honor their covenants they've made with God. They aren't able to pay tithing, accept positions in the church, and be a faithful member of the church because their spouse is bringing them down.

Genesis 24:15-67
Character traits that Rebekah had that would be desirable in a wife or husband are:
  • Beautiful (verse 16)
  • Kind (verse 18)
  • Hard working (verse 19-20)
  • Generous (verse 25)
  • Obedient and Faithful (verse 58)
  • Respectful (verse 65)
  • Comforting (verse 67)

Genesis 27:46; 28:1-4
The concerns that Isaac and Rebekah had for Jacob were marrying outside of the covenant. They didn't want to lose him through marriage to a non-member and they wanted to ensure that he would receive all the blessings that God promised him if he would be faithful and marry righteously.

Genesis 29:1-30
In order to marry Rachel, Jacob was willing to work a total of 14 years for Laban, her father. Marrying into the covenant was really important to Jacob, and it's important to me as well. I married a worthy priesthood holder in the temple so that I could be together with my family forever. If I hadn't married within the covenant, I wouldn't be sealed to my husband or baby girl and our kids wouldn't grow up knowing the gospel truths due to a husband who wouldn't be a member. In order to keep the blessings of being sealed to my family forever, I need to keep the covenants I've made with God and be righteous and obedient, as well as teach my children in righteousness.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Who Was Melchizidek?

JSTGenesis 14:18-20; Alma 13:14-19; D&C 84:14, 107:1-4

Melchizedek was one of God's greatest priests and his name is used to identify the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God so that we don't use God's name in vain repetition when referring to the priesthood of God. Melchizedek was so exalted and in such a high position in the people's eyes, as well as God's, that he "stood as a prototype of the Son of God himself." (Student Manual)

He was called the prince of peace because of his diligence in preaching repentance to the people. The scriptures say that "there were many before him, and also there were many afterwards, but none were greater." How incredible was the example of Melchizedek! He "stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire." That's how righteous he was.

Because he was a man, he wasn't perfect like the Savior, however he still stood as a prototype to the Savior. I think that this is an example of how we can all be in our lives here on the earth today. We can strive to be like Melchizedek who was so righteous, but still an imperfect man who also needed the Atonement to be saved. This is probably the most righteous you can get without being the Savior yourself.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Tower to Reach Heaven

Genesis 11:1-9; Helaman 6:28; Ether 1:3-4

The stated purpose of building a tower was to reach heaven and create a name for themselves in doing so. They wanted to be able to boast of their own strength in defeating the impossible. Satan had put it into their hearts to do such a thing rather than work on actually reaching God through works of righteousness.

I think that this angered the Lord because the people cared more about reaching heaven physically in order to make some kind of claim over what they did, when they didn't try to reach heaven in more spiritual ways like obeying God's commandments. Because of this, God confounded the language of the people so that they would be scattered.

Ether 1:33-43

The Jaredites from the Book of Mormon fit into the story of the Tower of Babel from the Bible because they were there at the same time this tower was being built. The language of the people was confounded, yet Jared asked his brother to pray to the Lord to ask and see if the Lord would spare them and their friends to keep their same language so that they would be able to communicate with each other. The Lord granted Jared his request and their language wasn't confounded.

Acts 4:12; Mosiah 3:17, 5:7-15; D&C 18:21-25

We can receive "a name" that can truly help us reach heaven through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We cannot receive salvation any other way than through Him. We must covenant with God that we will be obedient all the days of our lives through baptism. We must always "abound in good works" and come unto Him in repentance and humility; only then can Christ save us with His atoning sacrifice.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Walk in Truth

Read 3 John 1:1–11. Write a brief comparison between the actions of Gaius and Diotrephes. Read the institute student manual Points to Ponder section, “Disobedience to Priesthood Authority” (p. 441). List some of the results that come to those who criticize the leaders of the Church. Read Alma 39:11. What influence could Gaius’s and Diotrephes’s examples have on others?

The actions of Gaius were faithful and kind, always teaching of the goodness of God. He was charitable and helped the people he taught. Diotrephes, on the other hand, taught malicious words against God's servants and he cast people out of the church. Gaius did that which was good, inviting the words of the prophets to lead his life, Diotrephes did that which was evil, not obeying the words of the prophets and defying God. 

Some of the results that come to those who criticize the leaders of the Church will become spiritually dead and bring more hurt to themselves than those whom they are trying to do so. 

The influence that Gaius could have on others is to continue to listen to the words of the prophets and to be kind and charitable as he is. But those who look on Diotrephes' actions will most likely stray away from the Church and do that which is evil and wrong. Those we look to can have a great influence on us, so we need to always look to good sources of influence. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Living Our Religion

James 1:19; 3:1–13; 4:11; and the institute student manual commentary for James 3:8, “The Importance of Taming the Tongue” (p. 410). 

Things We Say That Are Offensive to God:
Speaking evil of one another (4:11) 
Judging one another (4:11)
Boasting (3:5)
Cursing men (3:9)

Things We Say That Are Pleasing to God:
Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (1:19) 
Meekness of wisdom (3:13)
Good conversation (3:13)
Referring to the following lists, James 4:1–4 identifies four symptoms of people who are friends of the world. James 4:7–12 identifies a prescription that would help people overcome the “world.” 

Symptoms of Being in the World (James 4:1-4)
Wars and fightings (4:1)
Lustful (4:2)
Ask God for things that are lustful (4:3)
Friend of the world (4:4)

Prescription for Being out of the World (James 4:7-12)
Submit yourself to God and resist the devil (4:7)
Cleanse your hands and purify your hearts (4:8)
Mourn and weep (4:9)
Humble yourselves (4:10)
Speak no evil of one another and do not judge (4:11) 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Works of Righteousness

Paul concluded his epistle to the Hebrews with some brief teachings and statements of counsel. Hebrews 13 has answers to the following questions:

• How should we treat strangers and those “in bonds”?
Verses 1-3 tell us that we need to remember those who are strangers and in bonds and show them brotherly kindness.
• How is marriage looked upon?
Verse 4 tells us that marriage is honorable, but adultery will be looked down upon and judged by God.
• What warnings are given about covetousness?
Verses 5-6 say that our conversations need to be void of covetousness and that we need to be content for what we have--that way we can be grateful to the Lord for what He has given us.
• What is “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever”?
Verse 8 gives us the answer: Jesus Christ.
• How are we sanctified?
Verse 12 tells us that we are sanctified through the blood of Jesus Christ, or through the Atonement that He gave us so that we may live with Him again.
• How do we respond to those who rule over us?
Verse 7 tells us to remember them who rule over us and verse 17 tells us to obey those who rule over us, as well as submit ourselves to their will. 
• Who did Paul ask the people to pray for?
 Verse 18 asks for us to pray for those who rule over us, that they may be honest in their dealings with us.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Jesus Christ is Greater than Melchizedek

Hebrews 5:4; Numbers 27:18, 23; Doctrine and Covenants 42:11; Articles of Faith 1:5. 
The Lord’s approved pattern for becoming a priesthood leader is being called of God by prophecy and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority to give the priesthood, to preach the gospel and administer in the ordinances of it. We know who has authority in the church today because they have been called of God and have been appointed in their callings through the laying on of hands by those who have been called of God by revelation.
Hebrews 5:7-8; Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 14:25-40; institute student manual commentary for Hebrews 5:7-8, “Does the Phrase ‘Though He Were a Son’ Apply to Melchizedek, to Christ, or to Both?” (p. 384). 
o Why was Melchizedek considered a great high priest?
Melchizedek was considered a great high priest because he was a prototype of Christ. You did not need to have a great or grand lineage in order to receive this priesthood; it is based solely on righteousness in order to receive the higher priesthood. 
o Here are a few of the miracles he performed according to Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 14:25-40.
Melchizedek blessed Abram, he quenched the violence of fire, and he had the power to break mountains, divide the seas, and dry up waters, put at defiance the armies of nations, divide the earth, breaks bands, and stand in the presence of God. He had the power of God to work any miracle that God wanted him to perform because he was righteous and had the authority to use the priesthood he was conferred upon. 
o What Old Testament prophet did Melchizedek bless?
Melchizedek blessed Abraham.
o Read Doctrine and Covenants 107:2-4 and explain why we call the greater priesthood the Melchizedek Priesthood.
We didn't want to use God's name in vain, so the church instead called the priesthood by Melchizedek's name.
3. Hebrews 6:1-3
o What important doctrinal correction did Joseph Smith make in Hebrews 6:1? (See footnote a).
Joseph Smith made the correction of saying, “not leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection.” 
o Why is it important that a person not leave behind faith, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost?
It’s important that a person not leave behind those principles because we need the principles of the gospel in order to become more like Christ and ultimately gain exaltation. Without that correction, that verse wouldn’t match up with any of the doctrine that our church teaches and many people would take hold of that and run with it, living like people nowadays where “eat, drink, and be merry” is the attitude of gaining exaltation.
4. Hebrews 6:4-6; Alma 24:30; Doctrine and Covenants 76:31-38; institute student manual commentary for Hebrews 6:4-6, “What Must People Do in Order to ‘Crucify To Themselves the Son of God Afresh, and Put Him to an Open Shame’?” (p.385). According to Matthew 12:31, how serious is the sin described in Hebrews 6:4-6? Write what a person must do to become a son of perdition and what the eventual punishment will be.
Matthew says that denying the Holy Ghost is a sin that cannot be forgivable. A person must deny the Holy Ghost and openly mock Christ in order to become sons of perdition. The eventual punishment will be facing the wrath of God and living with the devil in "a lake of fire and brimstone." 
5. What does Hebrews 7:1-6 teach you about the greatness of Melchizedek? List the ways that Melchizedek is similar to or a prototype of the Savior (refer to JST, Genesis 14:25-40 if needed). Read the institute student manual commentary for Hebrews 7:3, “Was Melchizedek ‘Without Father, Without Mother, Without Descent’?” (p. 385). Identify in writing who Hebrews 7:3 is speaking of.
It teaches us that Melchizedek is a King of righteousness and peace. He is like the Savior and is a great priest. He was trusted to gather the tithes of the people. Melchizedek is similar to the Savior because he is a king of righteousness and peace, he is “without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life…abideth a priest continually.” He devoted his life to the gospel and to being a priest, he was obedient, just as Christ was. Hebrews 7:3 is speaking of Melchizedek and the likeness that he bears to Christ.
6. Read Hebrews 7:15-28. Describe in writing what Paul taught about the priesthood and about Jesus Christ.
Paul teaches us that Christ is more powerful than the Levite priesthood, and that there has to be another priesthood out there that is unchangeable and needs to be the same priesthood Melchizedek had, which means it has to be a higher priesthood and a higher law. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

We Can Find Solutions in the Scriptures to Life’s Challenges

We can find solutions to life's challenges right in the scriptures! They aren't just ancient writings that we throw aside, thinking it's for anyone but us. They are especially for us at this time in the world! For each of the following common challenges, I will write the counsel from Philippians that Paul gives that I would use to resolve it:
Paul advises us to be Christlike, to think on Him and to have his love. He advises the saints to achieve unity and set aside selfishness and consider others' needs. He says to "do all things without murmurings and disputings" so that we can be blameless before God at the last day. 
  • Many youth feel that their parents’ testimony is sufficient for them. Since they have good parents, they rely on them for all their spiritual strength (see Philippians 2:12–15).
Paul says that we need to "work out [our] own salvation" which cannot be done if we are relying on our parents' testimonies. We have to have God "worketh in [us]" ourselves, not just have Him work in our parents and think that that will be enough. Paul does not mean we can save ourselves by work alone, but that the grace of God is what ultimately saves us. He is just counseling us that we need to do all we can on our part to do what God has commanded us before the grace of God ultimately saves us. We cannot be saved without working on our own salvation, rather than relying on someone else. 
  • An investigator is considering joining the Church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does (see Philippians 3:7–16; 4:13).
Paul puts it beautifully when he says, "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord...forgetting those things which are behind...I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Paul doesn't care about the losses that he will come across for obeying and following Christ. He is so uplifted and grateful for having Christ in his life that everything he lost don't seem like losses to him anymore because through Christ, we "can do all things."

"Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do."

This writing assignment is an example of the principle taught in 2 Nephi 32:3 because it says, "Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." When we are studying and reading the scriptures, we are feasting on the words of Christ. We are actively seeking to find answers to what we should be doing in our lives; and they will tell us what we should be doing every single time.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Live as Saints Should Live

In order to work out our salvation, we must continue to live in righteousness. We have to endure to the end and keep God's commandments. Only then can we receive the greatest gift of all--Salvation. 
In Romans 12-13, Paul gave much counsel that leads to salvation. Each of the following verses tells what Paul taught would help lead to salvation:
o       Romans 12:1--present our bodies as a living sacrifice, do service
o       Romans 12:2--do not conform to the world
o       Romans 12:9--love, turn away evil, cleave unto good
o       Romans 12:13--be hospitable
o       Romans 12:16--don't be conceited, do not judge
o       Romans 12:21--overcome evil with good
o       Romans 13:1--be subject to God
o       Romans 13:3--do good
o       Romans 13:8--love one another
o       Romans 13:9--do not commit adultery, do not kill, steal, bear false witness, or covet
Romans 14:1-13; 15:1-3
Paul gave the cautions of judging saying that we are all accountable to God and that God will be the one to judge us. We cannot get in the way of God's judgement by casting our own judgements, because we are also going to be held accountable for our own actions to God. People may act and do differently than us, and may believe differently as well, but that doesn't mean that we have the right to judge them according to their works, only God can judge because he knows the true intent of people's hearts. I think that we can't just look at someone and give them the judgement of whether they are the rich son or poor son in rags, like the parable says in D&C. I think that we need to treat everyone with kindness and let the judgements fall to God. 
The term Paul frequently used to refer to members of the Church in his day was: Saints

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Gospel of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation

Romans 1:3–4
Luke 1:31–32; 3:23–31

Jesus Christ is the son of David through His lineage. 14 generations back was King David, so Christ is royalty in the mortal sense that way. He is heir to God by being the most perfect person to ever walk the earth. He followed God's plan perfectly and was God's advocate for His gospel. He sacrificed Himself to make the Atonement possible for all of us to return to God's presence again. Because He is both God and David's heirs, He can rightfully reign here on earth and in the heavens. He is the most perfect judge, so he is able to reign here on earth and govern the people. 

John 10:17–18

It was essential for Jesus to be both mortal and immortal because he needed to die for us on the cross in order to atone for our sins, but he also needed to be immortal afterwards so that we could all see the resurrection of the body and spirit reuniting, which is a crucial aspect of the gospel. 

Romans 1:15–20

Paul knew the gospel to be true and was not ashamed of it. He was willing and eager to teach everyone about the gospel because he knew of its saving grace. Some ways that I can show that I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ is by proudly proclaiming the gospel in every way that I can. I can post blog posts like this, or post my testimony on Facebook, or even invite those around me to come to church or activities. I can invite friends over for Family Home Evening, and most importantly, I can live my life the way God would want me to. That will show Him that I am proud of the gospel and am not ashamed to live it.

Romans 1:21–32

Sins Paul mentions:

-stopped glorifying God
-darkened heart
-claimed wisdom
-worshipped idols "served the creature more than the Creator"
-homosexual behavior
-didn't remember God
-haters of God
-evil inventions
-disobedient to parents
-covenant breakers
-no affection

Most of those sins Paul mentioned are sins that are still happening today! It's incredible how similar his words are to the world we live in now. Reasons why those people committed those sins were because of their own lustful feelings and the pleasure they got from doing those sins. I think that those reasons are very similar to why people sin today. They claim, "I deserve to be happy," or "I can repent later," or even the freedom of equality. It's important to stand up for what we believe to be righteous and holy. In a world such as our own, everyone who believes in God needs to stand up for His morals and teachings.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lusts of the Flesh vs. Lusts of the Spirit

Galatians 5:13-26

The verses above explain that living the lusts of the world will not bring happiness in the long run because you will not be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of God. The lusts of the world may bring temporary satisfaction, but not ultimate happiness. The lusts of the spirit are character traits that we all need to learn and obtain in order to enter back into God's presence.

Some things that I can do in order to have the lusts of the spirit is to involve myself in good things and actions such as service, church worship, temple attendance, kind words, communication, seeking to do good to everyone I meet, not thinking ill of someone. Some lusts of the world that I can give up are spending too much time on the internet instead of my family, trying to outsmart or out-better others, or always seeking for approval from others.

Lusts of the World:


Lusts of the Spirit:


Friday, January 30, 2015

The Sacrament

The only word that I can see wasn’t used in Paul’s words but Nephi and Luke both said was “given.” I think that this word is important for us to know and to realize. Christ has literally given His body up for us so we can return to God again through saving ordinances. He has given His body as a gift for us, with no price for us to pay. It’s our own choice that we follow Him and use His saving grace for our salvation.

Comparing Corinthians and 3 Nephi, in 3 Nephi, it actually councils us to forbid the person who is unworthy of partaking of the sacrament to not take it.
à D&C 46:4 “Ye are also commanded not to cast any one who belongeth to the church out of your sacrament meetings; nevertheless, if any have trespassed, let him not partake until he makes reconciliation.”

Paul taught that taking the sacrament unworthily brought upon themselves damnation, not the ordinance of renewing and cleansing yourself of the body and blood of Christ.
à Mormon 9:29 “See that ye are not baptized unworthily; see that ye partake not of the sacrament of Christ unworthily; but see that ye do all things in worthiness, and do it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God; and if ye do this, and endure to the end, ye will in nowise be cast out.”

In order to make the sacrament more meaningful each week, I can read hymns, the scriptures, think about Christ’s Atonement and how the bread and water represent His sacrifices and pain and suffering for our sake, and think about what I can do better for the upcoming week.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Proper Authority and Ministering to the People

Acts 19:1-12; 20:7-12

5 priesthood ordinances Paul performed:

-gift of Holy Ghost
-healed the sick
-raised a man from the dead

Because the Corinth saints hadn't been baptized by the correct authority, Paul re-baptized them under proper authority and also gave them the gift of the Holy Ghost. This example of Paul re-baptizing those saints should answer the question to members and nonmembers alike that unless the proper priesthood authority was used to baptize you, you need to be re-baptized and receive the Holy Ghost in order to have one of the saving ordinances done for yourself. Paul bestowed the gift of the Holy Ghost on those saints by the laying on of hands through proper priesthood authority that he himself received from God.

John 20:1, 19

The saints all met together on the first day of the week to break bread and partake of the sacrament. The verses above give us evidence to believe that the day of the Sabbath was changed because that was the same day that Christ rose from the dead and was resurrected after being in the tomb for three days.