Thursday, June 6, 2013


Last week in class we talked about the importance of dating. Fun topic, right?? Well, it's a lot more tricky than just fun. Dating shouldn't be a race to intimacy. When you are intimate with someone, especially before marriage, you become attached and bound to them and it is hard to think straight (i.e. hard to determine whether the person is right for you to marry). It was great going through all the steps of dating, because it validated the relationship I had and went through with my fiance.

It can be really hard to follow the steps to date. You first need to start by hanging out and dating a lot of different people. Dating is different than courtship. Courtship is being with the same person in an intimate relationship, going down the path towards engagement, and then eventually marriage. Dating is going on dates with multiple people, testing the waters to see what kind of person you'd want to be with for the rest of your life. A lot of the time, people race right through the dating process and go straight to courtship. A lot of high schoolers go through this, and it ends up harming their emotional well-being, especially if the relationship doesn't work out.

After this lesson, I realized that I knew Ryan a looooong time before we even started dating, and I had dated a lot of different friends throughout high school-just going on different dates with a bunch of different guys. After realizing from them the kind of people I didn't want to marry, and who were just really good friends, it was really easy to see that Ryan was the one for me when we went on a couple of dates. After going on a few dates, we didn't see each other for about a year. We then saw each other and when on a few more dates and decided, together, that we should see where we could go by courting. Now look-we're happily engaged and oh so excited to have found our eternal partner!

In order for relationships to work out, there needs to be set boundaries, set lines and set steps to go through. Dating, courtship, engagement, then marriage. Only through these steps can we attain a well-made decision for who we will marry.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Tashara I appreciate you sharing your own experience. One thing in particular that I like is the example of high school relationships which connects to intimacy and how at that age we just blow past steps mainly because our brains aren't mature enough but how the guidelines of the church prevent us from becoming hurt. What step in this process do you think is most important? Dating, courting, or engagement?

    Maddison Dillon
